Sunday, 25 July 2021

Raising the Army of the Dead (pt.4) - more Wolves & Radukar done - WIP Belladamma & Vengorian Lord

Back from the cabin! I had another 13 "Dire Wolves" and a Werewolf dude who will be used as Radukar the Beast with me. Not forgetting the necessary 14 paints, brushes & mixed pizza herbs required to paint this army. It was nice and relaxed session, and I really enjoyed taking time "speed" painting these wolves.

The ones made from Chaos Hounds (that are just emerging from the ground) were actually 50% Blue Stuff mold copied. I only had pieces for 5 full Hounds, but needed to make a unit of 10, so I Blue Stuffed each separate half of the Hound, filled the molds with Green Stuff & stuck them on the "real" halves of the plastic Hounds. Then I did some minor sculpting on the seams to disguise the joints. This worked VERY well. I also super glued some cotton wool to hide weird gaps and provide nice texture. 

Accompanying these half-wolves are two Barrow Rats & a Warg from Reaper Bones. I just bought a couple more of these Barrow Rats today, as my Skaventide army could also use their attendance. Anyhow, here are the 13 Wolves and Radukar the Beast painted, along with WIP shots of Vengorian Lord & Belladamma Volga. Next up will be the Mortis Engine and a duo of Corpse Carts.

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