Saturday 10 April 2021


So I just spent 5 hours cleaning the desk and going through at least four boxes of used random miniatures I had ordered from internet market places earlier this (and the last) year from several different people. Found loads of Ork Vehicles, cool Warzone troops I might introduce to some Chaos Space Marine army later on, Empire Handgunners, Nurgle Demons, Ogors, metal zombies (I have no idea who manufactured them), things I already forgot about and well, LOTS of Space Marines. 

Now I've been toying around with some wacky ideas and whether to start building up an army of Tzeentch Demons (that would work for both for Age of Sigmar & Warhammer 40k) OR a force of loyalist Space Marines. Current mood is that I'll do them both. Simultaneously. The Demons will be completely weird and warped heaps of flailing appendages, beaks, wings, horns and eyes, while the Space Marines I'll probably mostly just assemble as they are intended, and concentrate on a cool and unified paint scheme for the whole of them. 

As for the Space Marines army project, THIS is what I managed to find from my Hobby Castle so far:


~20~ Terminators (from different eras)

~15~ Primaris Intercessors

3 Primaris Inceptors

5 Veterans (Death Watch)

5 Marines (from Space Crusade)

5+ RTb01 "beakie" Marines

10 Devastators (from different eras)

~10~ Tactical Marines (old metal)

30+ Tactical Marines (from different eras)

5 Assault Marines with jump packs (+ 9 more extra jump packs) 

~8~ Bikers (from different eras)

3 Scout Biker torsoes (old metal)

5 Scouts with cloaks

4 Scouts (old metal)


1 Gravis Captain

3 Tech Marines (one old)

1 Librarian (old Tiqurius)

2 Chaplains (old)

1 Captain (old Ultramarines)

1 Chapter Master (old Dark Angels)

2 Characters with jump packs

3 Characters from boxed games


1 Land Speeder

2 Dreadnoughts

1 Land Raider

4 Rhinos (2 old ones)

Unopened boxed sets with more marines:

1 Deathwatch Overkill 

1 Dark Vengeance

Oh booger. So many cool things to choose from. Glad I've already been flicking through the Space Marines codex for a while, and know pretty much what I want to include in the army. Anyways, here's my working desk from yesterday (with all the materials I had piled in and used for the earlier Death Guard AND Chaotic Overlords projects), and another shot taken today. There's all the Space Marine stuff sorted out and ready to go. 

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