Monday 12 April 2021

+++REDACTED+++ Space Marines assembling for war

Already a bit of progress from last weekend. There's a unit of 10 Tactical Marines (just gotta have these in the army!). I have no idea who did the orange paintjob on these guys. That scheme is very striking (especially those black & white shoulder pads) even from several feet away, so I'm now considering trying somewhat similar shoulder pads for my own army. Most of the unit was already assembled and ready, so I just had to do some minor mold line scraping and repositioning of heads for these troopers, and put together a sergeant and special weapon guy. I also took off all the beakie heads from these. Gonna use them maybe for a squad of Assault Marines later on.

In addition to all the Space Marines found earlier, I remembered a heap of Chaos Space Marines I started working on  a few years ago when returning to the hobby. So this was right after the 8th edition of Warhammer 40k came out. Hidden in a top drawer of my secondary desk there was a batch painted group of over thirty Chaos Marines, three lizard-demon-centaur-bikers and a Khorne Juggernaut. Got only 5 of those CSM's painted ready, and never finished that project back then... 

But how does this relate to the current loyalist Space Marine project? Well, under all the burnt orangey paintjob and random thick clumps of Green Stuff (that were actually my first ever attempts at sculpting with that), I found ANOTHER NINE (9!) Primaris Space Marines, along with some backpacks, arms and weapons of their kin. I had actually lost (or just used for something else) most of the arms, weapons and backpacks of my other unassembled Primaris dudes, so these came in very handy. Immediately tore off all the GS and chaotic spikes and gathered together a squad of 5 Primaris Intercessors. Yay! I used the older Tactical Marine helmets for these, as I like them a bit more than the actual Primaris ones. 

For the bases I went for this "heaps of weathered debris and rubble and crap" approach. First I hot glued a few bigger pieces of sprue cut-offs to the bases. Then over a generous blob of PVA glue I sprinkled more such pieces and mixture of rough sawdust, sand, static grass and a mess of plastic scrap that always gathers on the table when assembling and converting miniatures. Put that thing into good use and not in the bin! A few choice detailed bits were later glued on the bases, including chain, thin pipes and gears. I also found some detailed scenery pieces I had replicated with silicone molds and Milliput. Those were broken into smaller shards and glued on as well (appearing on the bases of the Tactical Squad). 

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