Tuesday 16 June 2020

Multiple Skaven works in progress

After waiting for over 20 years in my cabinet to get assembled, the Vermin Lord is finally here!

I bought this super cool miniature from one of my friends who played Skaven back in the 90's. Then a freak accident was about to happen, as another friend of mine (who didn't play any wargames, but really liked the infernal vibes and name of the model) asked if he could by the mini from me. I remember tossing around some ridiculous price tag, maybe like 10€ exchanged from the Finnish markka currency used back then. Sure it sounded way too expensive then, and way too cheap nowadays. After several months of pondering the issue, my friend decided NOT to by this Vermin Lord from me.

So, I consider myself VERY lucky right now, as this Vermin Lord has had enough time to really plan and plot his evil schemes in darkness and secrecy.  He's been summoning more Rat Swarms and other scurry little minions in as well. And wait what!? Are those Gnawholes they're clawing their ways through? Scratch-scratch, squeek-squeek! The Skryre masters are sure doing well with that gigantic poor old rat, scratch built upon a Parasaurolophus toy. Got a Warp Lightning Cannon stuck on its back!

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