Tuesday 16 June 2020

Skaven Clanrats with spears

Okay, Clanrats with rusty spears it is. And by spears I mean spearS. Two of them for most guys. Not gonna skimp on these fellows. Even painted spear tips on their robes and shields. These dooders just love their spears alright.

Wanted to try batch painting a whole unit of 20 this time. Did most of the painting last friday evening, and finishing touches yesterday. Was okay. A carefree attitude towards neatness is the way of a true Skaven. Pretty basic stuff, however I tried highlighting the green robes by adding Nihilakh Oxide to the mix. Surprisingly it just made the green look more like the classic Goblin Green paint, not that much more blueish. Should have added more of that, yes-yes? Might save the more outlandish colour schemes to the Plague Monks though, so these will be alright as they are now. I'll spray matt varnish and finish the base rims today if it isn't raining later.

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