Friday 24 January 2020

Cleaning the table - a picture dump from the 2019 (pt.8)

What is this tomfoolery about again? This.

Painting some Death Guard cultists (that of course double up as some Necromunda gang), Daemon Prince and Helbrute.

Gotta really slab on thick layers of those yellows and pink to get them nice and bright. For yellows I tend to first put on a heavy layer of Game Ink Amarillo Yellow (as seen on an earlier post), which goes over ANY pale undercoat and random washes or other colours that might have been applied earlier. Doesn't matter at all if it's not clean and white. Better if not. The yellow ink is then followed by a drybrush or two of Phoenix Flames, plus one or two more sloppy highlight layers of that same paint. Just slab it on thick. Go thin the paints somewhere else. Then a glaze of Casandora Yellow, and yet more highlights with Phoenix Flames. Looks like I then glazed the yellows with a (supposedly thin this time) mix of Casandora Yellow, Fuegan Orange, Red Tone, Carroburg Crimson, Contrast & Gloss Mediums and some (supposedly dirty again) paint water. It also seems like I higlighted a few of the yellow details and edges with a mix of Amarillo Yellow & Game Color Pale Yellow, which has gone so thick in its bottle it dries way too quick, so just a touch of the Amarillo ink was added to make it usable.

I was really happy how the skin tones turned out on these guys. I've never liked painting skin, or felt I could do it properly. This time I got the idea to follow the subtle tips given to me by the designers behind the paints names. Therefore Barbarian Flesh (basecoat), Flesh Wash (shading) and Elfic Flesh (for highlights) were used. Or was the Flesh Wash last one to be applied? One quick layer of each, no fancy tricks. Looks great to my eye! Propably the best and definitely the easiest way of painting skin I've ever come across.

I'm not sure if these Cultists are completely done yet? Maybe I was going to add some finishing touches or details to them. Can't remember anymore. At least a decent and final group shot is missing. Also the bigger dudes are waiting for more paints...





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