Wednesday, 21 August 2019


Going through the endless folders of old pics yet again, I stumbled upon some pre-paint shots of the Space Rats a.k.a. Skavies I had converted and kitbashed in November of 2017. As I just began painting this gang, why not post the older WIP pics as well!

I have to admit that reading of the blog Hungry Ghosts Chaos Squats of Khorne was a HUGE inspiration for me back in 2017, when returning back to the hobby after a loooong time. That army, dedication behind it and attention to detail was/is just phenomenal. Go check that out!

One important principle in converting miniatures also struck me really profoundly in that blog. It had to do with repeating shapes, forms and symbols all around the model. For example when one of my Rats got the spikes mutation, I just had to arm him with a spiky hammer and a dagger. Sniper guys got pipes that resemble barrels or huge shells on their bases and so forth.

This gang was intentionally built to perform multiple roles. The main ones being Necromunda Scavvies and Ratskin Renegades as the reference point in arming/mutating them. For sure this motley crew will be swarming the table as other Necromunda/40K gangs/troops as well. The paint scheme I'll be using will fit quite nicely with the Death Guard army I already possess.

This is the whole gang. I'll have a closer look on all of them and try to figure out what I was thinking two years ago...

These are the most propable Leaders for the gang. We got horns mimicing the shapes on the huge ritual weapon. One dude's got three rats swarming the base, imitating the open triangular form of his outstretched hands, and being a testimony of his utter and unquestioned leadership. Round forms appear on his eyes, back and warpstone staff. One dude seems to have just long tail. Regular mutant then?

The Shamans. Other's got the hanging chains theme going on. Maybe he ripped his own head off and stuck it to the banner pole? What do you need a head for when you have a cool helmet covering your face already? The scythe bearing one's got some skulls. One on the belt buckle of a Hero Quest Orc, other on the scythe from an old Empire Amethyst Wizard, and some more on the base. I'll propably have to paint a big skull on his scroll as well.

These could be Scalies then. Upper one doubling as Brakkar the Ratskin special character with heavy stubber. I see a loose theme of round objects here. Cogs, discuses (their throwing weapons), belly armour, mace and even tiny round rodent ears on the upper fellow!

Hounds that'll go as Ratskin Totem Warriors in their animal forms, or plain Scavvy mutants/plague zombies. Just got chains/whips/spikes as weapons.

Two headed/faced Scavvy mutant. Relly like the simple Green Stuff work on the splitting face. Scrap pieces of pipe on the base follow the lines of the faces and pistols.

More mutants. Simple repetitions of themes here, such as the scythe/sharp wings, spikes/hammer with spike and flail/Fimir tail combos. Favourite detail in the last pic is the one poor geezer who has deer horns growing from back and a scythe that he propably poked his eyes blind with.

Just basic Scavvies/Warriors/gangers. The one guy on top has tentacle mutation though. Again repetition of forms such as swords/spikes and barrels/pipes/shells.

Finally we got the Ratskin Braves. Or the poorest of the poor Scavvies with the cheapest weapon options.

And the whole group basecoated.

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