Wednesday, 21 August 2019

WIP big Necromunda building (pt.8)

Got some more dirty washes down this morning. Made a mix of a few different greys, black and white. Then decided to throw in even more stuff in lesser amounts: browns, oranges and even a few bright neon tones (green, blue, yellow, pink, orange) and silver. Pledge floor polish, some kitchen cleaning sprays, varnishes and of course lots of super dirty painting water. And coffee with oatmilk. Pretty much everything I had within reach went on.

I really like this approach of mixing a huge number of different components/colours/mediums. Surprising and great things tend to happen when the paints mix/run down/dry.. Even though the end result looks like just dull grey at first glance, I think there's some realistic and uncomprehensible liveliness when that tone isn't comprised of only grey pigments, but from a huge variety of different hues.

Liberal amounts of that dirty grey wash was applied almost all over, then viped off from some spots (details, edges, creamy and greenish areas) with paper towels. I sprayed water here and there to better blend in the wash and/or let it run down the surfaces. I thought it would be a rather quick task to apply that to the buildings (less than hour), but it took over an hour to finish only other one of the towers. So gotta continue on this later this week. A few careful drubrushes for highlighting specific spots, some rust and these should be done...

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