Wednesday 14 August 2019

Recap from the beginning of August

Two weeks ago I got a lot of free time, and managed to do quite a bit of work on the Sylvaneth army. This is what I got done that week (the 10 painted Dryads were built at the end of July), everything else is from the beginning of August:

So there's the big Treelord in the center. Converted and putty worked from WizKids fabulous Treant miniature. Chopped everything off, turned legs around, only used 2 hands. Lots of Milliput and Green Stuff went on, and a bit more will be added. The legs will transform into a multitude of roots, crawling around the big rocks in the base and digging to the ground beneath. Redid the face as well, with sharp evil teeth and sad lips. Nose is still missing. Will propably be a long and sharp one. I also had some leftover Milliput from the Treelord mixed up, and decided to try and sculpt some Dryads in a rush. Quick wire skeletons, Milliput torsos and GS went in.

Two Branchwraiths based on Chainrasps, with Dryad heads and hands/branches. GS vines and work on cloak. I had a really hard time earlier trying to distinguish the Branchwraiths and -wyches from each other, so I decided to base the wraiths on these cool undead cloak guys. Might remember they are wraiths from that. I'll do the Branchwych(es) later, with some serious evil druid action going on.

Then there's the two batches of Spite-Revenants. 10 with texture paints (and spray basecoats in the group shot) already on, and 15 with some more GS'ing to do before painting. First 10 are based on Beastmen Gors, with a heap of bits from LotR Goblins, Ghouls, Pink Horrors, Doom Imps, Dryads and Revenants. Somehow I forgot to do any evil red/orange/yellow magic eyes protruding from their torsos. All the rest of the Spite-Revenants have those.

The other batch of 15 Spite-Revenants had even more different kits used. In addition to the ones mentioned above, these have parts from Chaos Hounds, Tzaangor, Saurus and WizKids Zorn. I tried to push them to even more mutated and horrible direction. Alarielle must have really messed up the sowing of their seeds... These twisted creatures propably rose from some chaos tainted and rotten graveyard soil. Spiky branches and glowing eyeballs (will) stick out from their dark hides.

Bases! Managed to do these 26 in just half an hour of working time. Quick PVA applied with a big brush, sand & stuff sprinkled on. After drying, the treestumps and pre-made mushrooms (from cheap hobby putty) were glued on with hot glue. Watered down PVA to seal everything, and a tiny sprinkle of some more fine sand in a few spots. Done. Happy.


In the end, my Sylvaneth army after the first week of August looked like this:

I took some more WIP shots and notes from painting the Treelord Ancient and the other bunch of Dryads. Will be doing posts of them soon(ish). Then it's time to continue the work on some big Necromunda buildings again!

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