Saturday, 5 June 2021

WIP Making scatter terrain - Welcome to the jungle (pt.2)!

A bit of progress here. Thanks Unslain @ YakTribe forum for the great tip on using corrugated cardboard for holding cocktail sticks & spray painting them. This was exactly the kind of idea I was looking for, and luckily had just bought pizza that had the perfect type & size of cardboard for this. Now I just have to finish the green balls and their bases before sticking all the bright red sticks in. In case all this green-cactus-balls-with-red-spikes-thing is unfamiliar, or you'd like to have a dose of nostalgia, I just found this awesome reference pic from the internet!

Here's some of the finished pieces. I'm very happy how the bases turned out. Also loving the dead trunks that are made from cabsticks / pepe cones. 1000% recommended material. Now the plastic toy trees look absolutely silly if inspected closely, but when deployed en masse I think they'll be great for gaming purposes. For display, I dug out an old Warhammer Fantasy Battle Vampire Lord from late 90's, who's having an argument with some Elves I painted around 2003. 

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