Sunday, 5 July 2020

ORK scrapbot roborks

I definitely needed some more boyz to bolster the mobs. To save time not having to paint lots of green skins, this group was almost entirely made of mechanic bits, weapons and other such scrap. It's also a good idea to use all those leftover empty plastic sprues to something creative rather than just dump them on the bin.

At the moment my bitz boxes have grown to be so enormously vast, that another exercise to empty them even a bit was in order. I really need to practise and actually USE all those super cool bitz somewhere rather than save them forever for some super cool best 4-ever project that never seems to be taking place. Gotta seize the moment, dude. This was the correct time to utilize that good old Rogue Trader era Ork chainsword.

After building up the first batch of 10 robork boyz last night and this morning, I decided to do another 10 immediately. Was much fun, and I imagine the painting to be super fast. Just copper with some verdigris, right? I planned on painting these right now, but it's raining heavily outside, so can't go and start priming and basecoating with spray paints just yet.

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