Sunday 31 May 2020

Bolstering the ranks of Skaventide

Gosh! Just noticed I haven't posted anything for two whole weeks. Been painting and assembling yet more Skaven. Took lots of WIP pics (will be posting them next week), and here are the final results. The Clanrats were pretty much done earlier this month, but the banner is new. Very happy how it came out! In addition to them, here's an Arch-Warlock (mistakenly referred as being just a Warlock Engineer on earlier posts), a Hell Pit Abomination and a unit of Stormvermin.

And this is everything I managed to finish in May! 


  1. That Abomination is fantastic! Well all the models are pretty sweet but what did you use to make the Abomb?

  2. Thanks Jason!
    There are WIPs in an earlier post:

    So it's based on the Dark Young by Reaper Bones (and has a Troll arm from them as well). Tail is an ex-arm from Shambling Mound by Nolzur's. GW Chaos Hounds head, toothpicks and lots of putty.
