Wednesday 8 April 2020

Painting Flagellants (pt.3) - done!

Finished the Flagellants yesterday. The skins were highlighted with Basic Skin Tone. Leather Brown and Ash Grey used for minor touch ups, Black Wash on deepest recess of the robes, Athonian Camoshade around feet and base edges. Fuegan Orange to shade/tone some golden areas, Purple Tone on eye sockets. Fire Dragon Bright highlights on the red areas, followed by a wash of Red Tone. Zamesi Desert on ropes, Seraphim Sepia to shade/tone parchments and other things. Runefang Steel to pick up a few nails and rivets,  Poisonous Cloud drybrushed on the base.

Finally some Gloss Varnish was sprayed allover. This morning I painted their base rims Matt Black. I think the gloss varnish adds some very satisfactory and mystical feeling of completeness on painted miniatures. Add to that the tabletop presence and protection values. For sure many of the actual paints gloss/matt properties are lost in this, and it's hard to take pics with "not way too many" of those glossy flashing spots. But I can live with that, practice more and maybe get/try different light setups one day. Here's the finished unit.

All in all, painting of this unit took something like 4-5 hours. Together with all the little breaks, taking work in progress pics and running outside to spray paint, maybe maximum of six hours in total. Very pleased, 'cause it was fun and easy to do, and I'm very happy with the final results. But as usual, must... get... faster...

As this was the first unit I painted for my Cities of Sigmar army, a tiny bit of trial and error was included. I discarded a couple of paints from the set I'll be using for other models (mainly numerous brown washes), and a dozen more I had ready on the table but didn't feel like needing at all. I might later throw in some yellows on other units and heroes. How I'll paint horses and monsters is still a mystery.

But for the infantry, this is roughly the plan for future:
* Matt Black spray undercoat.
* Drybrush Rhinox Hide & Leather Brown all over, then Khaki on skin/scrolls/skulls and finest edges.
* Layer Barbarian Flesh on skin, Greedy Gold on weapons etc., Castellan Green on base.
* Time for heavy allover washes. Use various combinations of Seraphim Sepia/Skeleton Horde/Darkoath Flesh on skin/bones/scrolls/gold areas and Agrax Eartshade & Strong Tone on others. Not too strict, just playing around.
* Add dirt, stains and shadows with Flesh Wash, Paly Grey, Umber Wash and Black Wash. Also Flesh Wash the skins.
* Basic Skin Tone, Ash Grey, Bonewhite and Off White highlights & drybrushes.
* Drybrush base with Commando Green & Snake Scales, wash with Athonian Camoshade, finish with careful Poisonous Cloud drybrush.
* Pure Red, Fire Dragon Bright & Red Tone details/decorations.
* Smokey Ink for parchment texts and other such details, Fuegan Orange and Purple Tone for spot shading/toning, Runefang Steel and Zamesi Desert for picking details.
* For sure some going back and forth, adding previously used paints again when needed.
* Gloss Varnish Spray and Matt Black base rims.

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