Tuesday 14 April 2020

Cities of Sigmar Handgunners

After getting the Flagellants done, I tried to complete a unit of 10 Handgunners one morning last week. Didn't quite manage it, and in the end spent a bit over 5 hours painting them over a course of two days. Add to that the quick outdoor visits for spray undercoating and varnishing. Very pleased with the results, especially the red hats look nice on the table. Didn't take WIP pics, but kept quite accurate log of the process. For educational purposes.

9:55 - 10:10 Drybrushed Rhinox Hide, Leather Brown and Khaki allover.

10:10 - 10:55 Layered Khaki on skin, Greedy Gold on weapons etc. and Castellan Green on bases. Doing the bases was surprisingly the slowest part, because of all the static grass on them I wanted to cover.

Small break to let the green dry before drowning the poor dudes on washes.

11 - 11:08 Darkoath Flesh on gold & skin.
- 11:22 Strong Tone on other parts (except the base).
- 11:32 Commando Green dry/overbrush on the base.
- 11:42 Pale Grey & Umber Washes for dirtying clothes (especially legs).
- 12:00 Flesh Wash skin parts, drybrush base Snake Scales.

An hour break.

13:00 - 13:20 Barbarian Flesh highlights on skin.
- 13:30 Ash Grey drybrush on legs, elbows, backpack edges.
- 13:40 Golden Griffon drybrushed on golds.
- 13:54 Basic Skin Tone highlights on skin.
- 14:00 Athonian Camoshade around boots and on the base edges.

NOTE TO SELF - noses have to be painted twice with each colour, otherwise the paint gets removed while handling models, resulting in black nosetips.

14 - 14:20 two or three layers of Pure Red on hats and feathers.


14:50 - 15:30 Zamesi Desert on ropes & belts, Greedy Gold touch-ups and details, Matt Black visors, Purple Tone eyes and shading gold, Darkoath Flesh ropes & belts and some gold.

Continuing on another day...

13:00 - 13:55 Ash Grey details, Black Wash shading. Fire Dragon Bright highlights and Red Tone on the red areas. Flesh Wash the skins.

Let dry. I don't like this waiting thing at all. 

14:14 - 14:28 Drybrush Poisonous Cloud on the bases. Later Gloss Varnish and a few minutes for finishing the base rims with Matt Black. Done.


And here we have some close-ups. Seems like the Handgunner dads have taken their juveniles for a bit of learning to war with them. Too young to go out alone with friends as proper Pistoliers.

There you go sonny! Aim for the head.  

Can you please be quiet for a moment, I'm trying to shoot here. 

Let's go boy! 

That's mighty well done, lad. Attention! Take a knee!

And then shoot! 
But I don't wanna...

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