Tuesday 28 April 2020

More Skaventide WIP pics

After the spray undercoat (Matt Black / Dead Flesh / Matt White for the Clanrats, skipping the Dead Flesh for the actual rats), all the Giant Rats got different brown / grey / dull green / orange washes allover, then Underhive Ash / Tyrant Skull drybrushes, followed by another washes of browns and dull greens. The Clanrats got heavy washes of Aggaros Dunes, Blood Angles Red and Guilliman Flesh contrast paints. More to follow.

More-more tiny rats have been sculpted on these bases. Reaper Bones Gnoll Warlord miniatures provided a nice base for the Rat Ogors. I added in some cogs from discarded cheap alarm clocks. Couldn't get my hands on a Hell Pit Abomination kit, so decided to build one from Reaper Bones Dark Young miniature, with a Troll hand from the same company. Wizkids Shambling Mounds long hand I had leftover from last years Sylvaneth project provided a nice tail. GW Chaos Hounds head. Much more Green Stuff will be added. Not sure if I should put a tiny Brain Rat on this things back? Might be more usable as an all-around-chaos-monster proxy if not.

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