Saturday 25 April 2020

Afterwork Skaventide musterings

This evening I've been mostly assembling Clanrats, Giant Rats and Rat Swarms.

In went bits such as: Wizkids Rat Swarms, good old Games Workshop leaden Giant Rats, Hero Quest rats and more of the little scurry things from the Plague Monks sprue. The Clanrats are a mashup of Clanrats (duh?), Night Runners, Plague Monks, Night Goblins, Gnoblars, plus some Ork, Beastmen and Chaos Marauder parts. Then there's the nice little shield from the proper & correct old Warhammer: Fantasy Regiments boxed set. I felt privileged to have such an arcane relic included in my army, and that furry little unit champion really should remember to keep an eye on it...

Sculpting the little rats was actually quite fun and easy. For sure they could be done better with some practise, but these will do just fine on tabletop. As usual, start with rolling the traditional small sausage from the putty. Front end slightly sharper, as it'll become the head for the rat. Then make two direct cuts for the ears, lifting the sculpting tool slightly to push the ears up. Two little cuts for the eyes. These will already lift up the nose a bit. Tiny cuts and scratches on the back. Press down the sides on the back, to leave a form of the tail in between. Done.

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