Thursday 16 April 2020

Cities of Sigmar Pistoliers

To take a break from painting the Shadow Warriors, I hastily assembled this troupe of Pistoliers. They seem really good on paper, and I also like the fluff. Youngsters with firearms let loose on horseback, riding forth swiftly to cause babel amongst the enemy ranks. Good movement and ridiculous amounts of attacks.

Some of the bits that went in: Wargames Factory Ancient German Cavalry horses, legs and a torso. The proper old barded steed and standard horse by Games Workshop, and horse heads from some newer knight and a chaos steed. Kharadron pistol arms. I wanted to write a precise list, but actually don't know. And don't want anymore. So here they are! Gonna sculpt some pointy hats and maybe even camping gear on them. Don't know how to paint horses. Might just throw in whatever washes after the initial brown drybrushes and go from there by adding in some off white spots and patterns. Glossy black armours with golden rims, red reins.

Next up I'm thinking about converting some Demigryph Knights and scratch building a gyrocopter or three.

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