Tuesday 3 March 2020

Iron Warriors Possessed

Last week I dug up the unit Iron Warriors Possessed that I had converted and basecoated a year ago. Thought it would be a quick task to finish them with some highlights, dirtying the bases, adding rust and then varnish.

It wasn't quick nor simple, as I couldn't resist adding 10 different rust & dirt washes to the armours and bases among other highly useful layers nobody will ever notice. Came close to adding 40 different paints (some of them multiple times) on the models at this "just some simple highlights and finishing touches" stage... But now these Possessed are finally done.

And oh!!! There was the Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch being worked on as well (but not getting finished yet). Put down heavy washes and instantly wet blended some highlights on him. Took something like 5 minutes to do that super lovely yellow scheme. I'm really looking forward to practising more of this style and technique. Other new thing (for me at least) I tried was to highlight metal edges and bolts with a mix of Runefang Steel & Off White. Really nice and weird, kind of luminous semi-metal result. So, gotta experiment more on mixing metals with non-metals.

Here are the WIP pics from last week and some group shots.


  1. Thanks Howie!
    These guys are in such a bad condition that surely all the available love is direly needed.
