I just came up with a time saving life / hobby hack. Now I happen to have an actual remote workplace / dedicated hobby room / castle where I mostly do my wargaming and tinkering at. Time there is often limited, but things can be left on the table / shelf / floor for as long as I want (which is a great thing). However, I've noticed that quite a lot of my limited and precious hobby time often goes into just preparing and cleaning of all the mould lines on the miniatures. And it sucks.
So! I just made room for another small hobby spot back at home. It's just one shelf on a bookcase at the bedroom. There are good spotlights, a cutting mat and a CD player ready to go, together with a decent hobby knife. And that's all I need to start scraping all the mould lines off from all the miniatures and bits needed for whatever the current / next project is. Just a couple of spare moments here and there, along with the occasional hours on sleepless nights gets miniatures ready for assembly rather quick!
And this is exactly what I did last week. Spent a few evenings to clean bits needed to kitbash and build 40 Plaguebearers. In addition to the actual models, there's Bloodletters, Gors and Dryads (10 each) to join in the putrid ranks. Yesterday after work I vigorously assembled a first batch of 10 Plaguebearers, with inverted Gor torsoes and Bloodletter heads turned backwards. Also sculpted some Plague Swords.
But how to base these guys (and the whole army, that I'm about to build)? I'm thinking about sculpting something, as I haven't done that yet for bases. Bubbling daemonic goo? Cobblestone roads? Random unnameable natural shapes and growths?
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