Thursday, 21 October 2021

Slaves to Darkness army project (pt.1) - Gathering the beasts & old metal miniatures

I just started a new project that I've been planning for a couple of months now. It's time for some Slaves to Darkness! I dug up some old Chaos miniatures from my 90's armies, and am currently waiting to get a few more from a local Facebook marketplace group. I was also asking for some Gorebeast Chariots, Karkadraks and a Manticore there, but wasn't offered any immediately, so started cutting up the good old farm animal toys. The headless pig will become a Manticore for example. Might have to do quite a bit of sculpting on all the beasts at least, and will aim for a strong oldschool Realm of Chaos vibe for this army.  Here's what I've gathered so far:

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