Monday 6 April 2020

Painting Flagellants

Started painting the Flagellants today. Took maybe an hour and a half. Very quick drybrushes and splashing of washes. I tried the Barbarian Flesh straight over black undercoat, and obviously it didn't cover well enough. So added a little drop of Khaki and voilá! Might even try to use pure Khaki next time, and basecoat all the skulls and scrolls with that same time, and then super lightly drybrush over the most protruding edges. Tried several different brown washes allover. Favourites seemed to be (as so many times before) Agrax Eartshade, Darkoath Flesh and Strong Tone. Seraphim Sepia, Aggaros Dunes and Skeleton Horde maybe better on the skin, skulls and scrolls.

Left to do:
* Layer & highlight skulls & scrolls (Bonewhite & Off White?)
* Maybe highlight important parts of skins with Basic Skin tone. Maybe not.
* Highlight golds with something.
* Add red details (what they are, I don't know yet), highlight with orange, wash Red Tone maybe.
* Pick a few details with Off White or silver?
* Quick drybrush on the bases with Snake Scales and Poisonous Cloud.
* Pick details, base rims and some small areas with pure black (wristbands and such, maybe hair?).
* Then Gloss Varnish and DONE!

Or if I have energy, might try doing some black/white checker pattern, or white linings on the robes with black X's as details. Maybe!?

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