Tuesday 28 January 2020

Modular terrain for 40K & Necromunda WIP

I've been building some modular terrain pieces to go with the couple of new 24" x 24" boards. The pieces are mostly based on empty CD-trays or hardboard pieces of roughly the same size, and the boards themselves will have similiar sized empty areas on them. Many of the pieces also have a flat top level or "roof" on them, so stacking is possible. Tall wobbly towers will be assembled on future games. Nice!

So again, broken toys and found scrap materials, detailed bits from various terrain kits etc.. Emptied three almost dried out texture paint pots on these. Spray primed with matt black, basecoated with grey, brown and granite effect sprays. Grey & creamy drubrushes. Dirty washes of couple of different mixes of grey, then brownish (almost terracotta) and dirty almost white.

Tried the hairspray, paint & toothbrush technique here for the first time. Very nice effect, but I might have to try and adapt my other painting & weathering routines a bit to get more sensible results. Next I'll do some metal edge higlights, a few rusty washes and then details.

Here's another batch of these modular pieces. Waiting for a few more detailed bits & textures, then paint.

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