Monday 11 November 2019

Batch painting some Boyz & HQ for a small game of 40K

Right at the beginning of this November I got a message from dear old friend, who I've known since secondary school. We played some Warhammer Fantasy and propably some 40K as well back then, and went bonkers when the Necromunda came out.

We crawled through dungeons and other mysterious locations on D&D & Runequest systems, and he introduced me to the Call of Cthulhu as well. I'm still afraid of the cabin number 5643 on a big ship, sailing on the North Atlantic Ocean from England towards America. Nothing special happened on that specific cabin. The door was closed. But it was scary as s***. And on that ships cargo hold there was a big doorway of 15x30 metres...

So the good old friend suggested we should have a gaming day of Necromunda or 40K. As I had just about enough new Orks for a small army, I was eager to try 'em out. My friend hadn't played any 40K with the new (8th edition) rules, and didn't have an army of his own, so there was the choice between the Iron Warriors & Death Guard armies I had readily available. I took some pics from the game, and will do a post of that next.

But! I realized that my Orks weren't quite ready for the table yet. In fact there were 20 Boyz, a Big Mek, a Weirdboy and a Gorkanaut still lacking some paint. And the game was due the very next day! So I decided to try and tackle some seriously frenzied batch painting, and put some colour on da Boyz in a couple of night hours. Of course I wasn't able to finish them overnight. This is how far I got.

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