Wednesday 3 July 2019

Beginning of a Sylvaneth army

So I went off for a holiday, and spent a week mostly staring at the trees. As had happened once or twice before on such a trip, an urge to collect and paint Sylvaneth (or Wood Elves) arose. When back in town just a few days ago I got some scenic material from flea market and a pile of miniatures from the local game shops. I'll propably do more specific post(s) of the conversions, green stuffing & paint phases of these later on when I have more time. However, here's the current situation after the first two days on this project:

* Treelord Ancient based on D&D Shambling Mound from Wizkids, with extra branches from their Treant as well, and the staff and right hand from GW. Some wire and green stuff (much more to be added).
* 10 Dryads with extra bits from Saurus Warriors and LOTR Goblins. Genestealer and Kroot skulls, wire, green stuff, modelling clay mushrooms, sawdust and static grass. Thick blobs of Agrellan Earth was painted on the first batch of Dryads before basecoating them with spray paints. Black undercoat followed by grey and white zenithal layers.
* Allied Elven Wanderer Hero (Nienna, Female Elf Ranger from Bones) with sword from Tree Revenants and bow from wire.
* Spite Revenants based on GW Beastmen Gors, LOTR Goblins & Doom boardgame Imps. Select bits from the actual Spite Revenants, Dryads and Ghouls

Leftover green stuff was used to make some extra mushrooms and vines/branches/tentacles to be used anywhere later on.

Here's the second batch of five Dryads in their early stages. More green stuffing and adding textures with static grass and Citadel technical paints have been and will be done before painting them. Below them is the first batch of five Dryads I already basecoated.

Today I continued work on green stuffing the Spite Revenants, Treelord Ancient and the Elven Hero. I also tried some Milliput on the bases here for the first time.

 This guys belly is already painted black, because I'll be gluing some beard moss on there.

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