Wednesday 29 May 2019

Battle report from one "Scavengers" scenario

We had a three-way scrap a few days ago. One mate led a small patrol of just six Van Saars (including a heavy with lascannon, another with heavy bolter, three pistol wielding juves and a traditional bolter/chainsword leader. Somebody even had a krak grenade, received as a ransom for a captive just a few weeks ago).

Other fellow ushered forth a gathering of eight Redemptionists. Very basic and humble armament for everybody, exept that almost all of the crusaders had frag grenades!

I had my (t)rusty gang of The Cleaners, which I currently run as House Cawdor. It hasn't been uncovered yet why and how such a filthy pack of mutants could present themselves as actual Cawdor. Maybe they we're cleaning some super nasty rad zones earlier on, and unluckily got polluted and mutated? Or are they some undercover secret operatives from amongst the vast ranks of Scavvies from the Underhive, trying to infiltrate the sosio-economic structure of the Hive City? Anyways, there are currently 14 members in my gang. Many started their careers as a juves, and are only equipped with pretty simple weaponry. Exept that half of the gang has some sort of a flamer (hand flamers for juves and the leader). Yikes!

Both my gaming buddies chose to use my miniatures for their gangs. The Van Saar guy is rather new to the hobby, and the Redemptor Priest lost his own models approximately twenty years ago. The game went on very quickly, so I didn't manage to get photos from all of the decisive situations and actually missed maybe half of the fighters involved in the fight. 

After the first turn we were positioned like so. Redemptionists (the cone head ones) on the lower left corner, just about to climb up. Van Saars lurking next to the bottle of beer, with both heavies and leader dropping down from the vents. The cleaning patrol of House Cawdor sprang forth from around the altar of Nurgle on the lower right corner.

A few long range shots were exchanged between all the participants, and the first one to hit (four times) was the Van Saar heavy with heavy bolter. The downed redemptor brother fell down from the upmost ladder and actually died there on the spot. :(

The other Van Saar heavy with lascannon surprisingly found a straight unobscured line of fire from the other side of the table to my ganger with autogun (on overwatch here). Luckily for me the shot missed, and with even more luck (and a telescopic sight) the returning fire downed the lascannon wielding heavy and dropped him off the roof.

"I don't want to go there, it's too dark and scary!"

"Think I saw something moving there... There, shoot him!!!"

I actually managed to eventually down that poor flail wielding novice lurking in the shadows, but it took two turns of shooting with several gangers.

The Redemptor Priest tries to snipe back at the snipers. He fails and moves on to drop grenades on the Cleaners. On the other side of the table one of the Van Saar juves gets taken out by the Redemptionists. I think it was at this point they had to take their first bottle test, and with double six rolled, chose to leave the area with two piles of loot up their sleeves.

After a sluggish advance to get some heavy flamer action going on, my heavy is outrun by a novice with mace and plasma pistol, hiding here behind a barrel of taco sauce. The novice goes on to kick my poor and already wounded juve out of action, and then gets surrounded by several bigger Cawdor bullies and taken out instantly.

Simultaneously my leader and fresh juve are advancing on the shadows, trying to sneak behind the Redemptionists rather good positions on the top level of a huge red canister of waste.

After a series of chaotically long or short leaps, my leader "Master" ends up in the open just in front of a shotgun wielding Redemptionist, whose brother from upstairs joins fire with his autogun. Amazingly the leader is only pinned, and proceeds to take out the shotgun bloke in melee.

Now the Redemptionists are also taking bottle test, but manage to hang on. My juve "Skull" is caught in the crossfire of autogun, flamer and and bolter from above, and taken down. The pistol wielding novice with a leg wound almost makes his painstakingly long run to the loot stored in a shopping cart, but then the Redemptionists also fail their bottle test and are forced to leave the site. So it's a victory for the Cawdor Cleaner patrol!

That was a rather quick game with surprisingly low amount of fighters getting even wounded. I must say there was a good deal of luck in my side on a couple of occasions it really mattered. First of all the Van Saars failing their very first bottle test happened super early on. And their lascannon missing one of my snipers (who was rather effective later in the game) despite him being in no cover at all. At one point I think four or five of my guys got hit but only one of them wounded in just one turn. So that could have been a major turning point here. And then the Redemptionists also left the fight after failing only their second bottle test. So all the leftover loot was left for me, but the scavenging and cleaning patrol of the Cawdor abhumans got taste of the humongous tax and food expences of the Hive City, so not much was left for any serious rare trade shoppings. For advances I got initiative for somebody and skills (agility & ferocity) for a few others.

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